
Diabetic foot care advise: avoiding complications

10 December 2019

Diabetic foot care advise: avoiding complications

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For those of you with Diabetes, diabetic foot care is very important if you want to avoid unnecessary complications. Looking after your feet and checking them regularly can significantly reduce your risks of getting foot problems.

Tips for every day diabetic footcare:

Maintain good foot hygiene

Wash your feet every day and dry carefully between the toes. We have long handled toe towels on sale at Bodyfix reception for those who struggle to reach.

Cream your feet daily

Very important as this will help keep the skin supple, elastic and intact, enabling the skin to perform its primary function of being an excellent barrier to germs and fungus.

Washing, drying and creaming everyday allows you to check your feet, looking for cracks, blisters and any wounds or significant change in colour and temperature. Early detection is key.

Take care when cutting your toenails

Don’t go too short. Don’t tackle hard skin and corns yourself. Never use corn plasters!

Invest in a comfortable sock selection

Wear clean, well fitting socks, avoiding ones with too tight elastic tops or knotty toe seams.

Sensible shoes

Choose good fitting footwear with a deep, roomy toe box and a velcro or laced fixture to prevent excessive movement. Cushioned rubber soles will help with shock absorbency as you walk.

Check inside shoes for foreign bodies and worn areas. (Remember you may not be able to feel things)

Avoid walking barefooted!

Not too hot

Check temperature of bath before stepping in to it and avoid hot water bottles on the feet. Easy to burn the skin on the feet if your damaged nerves can’t detect temperature.

Having your feet checked regularly by a chiropodist/ podiatrist can significantly help to reduce the damage caused by diabetic foot problems.

Book an appointment online or call the clinic on 0208 394 0393,

Sue Mullen

Sue Mullen author

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