
Tag: low back pain

30 March 2020

Ideas to keep you healthy during Covid-19 ‘Lockdown’.

It is extremely important to remain at home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but how do you keep healthy and pain free during this time?  I have written some ideas of how to remain physically and mentally healthy whilst you’re at home. Physical health -Don’t sit for too long- whether it be at a computer […]

28 January 2020

Bad posture or Upper Crossed Syndrome?

Most of us at some point catch our reflection as we pass by a window and straighten ourselves up after checking out the bad posture! Unfortunately bad posture habits are the ones that die hard. But with a bit of knowledge on why they occur, adaptations in our daily activities or routines can help improve […]

11 June 2019

Psoas: The most important muscle you’ve probably never heard of ….

The psoas or Iliopsoas muscle, to give it its full name, is a muscle that lies deep within the abdomen. It is the major link between the upper thorax and the lower body and becomes chronically overworked, weak and tight through long periods of sitting at work.  This can, in turn cause, amongst other things, lower […]