
Category: Depression

10 September 2020

How I am helping young people with COVID anxiety.

These are challenging times for our young people. The ever-changing rules to lockdown and an uncertain future are causing anxiety.  In this blog I will talk about my experience of treating patients with anxiety about COVID and reveal my best tips for preventing it.   My experience with COVID anxiety. I find that there is a divide […]

23 May 2020

Counselling through COVID- 19

My counselling through COVID-19 has changed and in this blog I am going to explain how and the types of patients I have been working with. Grief Grief is not only the loss of a loved one, grief is the human reaction we all have to an unwelcome event. Recently, we have all been feeling […]

30 March 2020

Ideas to keep you healthy during Covid-19 ‘Lockdown’.

It is extremely important to remain at home to prevent the spread of Covid-19, but how do you keep healthy and pain free during this time?  I have written some ideas of how to remain physically and mentally healthy whilst you’re at home. Physical health -Don’t sit for too long- whether it be at a computer […]

30 January 2020

Being mindful and mindfulness……

If you are anything like me, life can get busy juggling multiple priorities and it is difficult to slow down to find time to just ‘be’. Often we soldier on and before you know it the aches and pains can appear in the body. Sound familiar? This is where being mindful and practicing mindfulness in […]

3 December 2019

National Grief Awareness Week 2019: 2nd to 8th December

It’s National Grief awareness week 2019 from 2nd to 8th December. Are you suffering from grief this winter? The cold weather can have an impact on our mood. Less sunshine and more dark evenings can make us change our normal social activities and we could end up feeling isolated. A lack of vitamin D, the sunshine […]