
Tag: headaches

8 August 2022

Spotlight on Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia affects 7 times more women than men What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that results in widespread joint and muscle pain with tenderness to touch and joint stiffness. Symptoms can come and go and present in different parts of the body at different times. Fibromyalgia can also cause fatigue, sleep, mood and [...]

9 June 2020

Headaches: Can Osteopathy Help

Headaches are a common health problem and one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. They can be either chronic or episodic in nature, with approximately 50% of adults globally experiencing at least one headache per year and up to 4% being affected more than 15 days each month (World Health Organisation, 2016). […]

25 August 2019

What to expect from a trip to an Osteopath at Bodyfix Clinic

As an Osteopath at the Bodyfix Clinic, I understand that booking an appointment could potentially be a worrying or concerning experience because you are unsure about what will happen when the clinic door closes. You may be experiencing lower back pain from sitting at a desk for too long?  You may be experiencing shoulder pain from […]