
Category: Diabetes

26 July 2022

Footcare at Bodyfix Clinic: Who to see and why

Chiropodist and Podiatrist: We frequently get asked what the difference is between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist, and in fact there is no difference! Chiropodist/Podiatrist is a dual title held by anyone who has completed a BSc degree in Podiatry in the UK since the 90's. The training to become a qualified practitioner involves 3 [...]

30 November 2020

The benefits of Water

We all hear that drinking lots of water is good for you. But understanding how and why….helps us to visualise the benefits as we drink and will encourage us to keep it up long term. Keeping hydrated has many different health benefits. 6-8 glasses a day of pure tap water or bottled water is recommended […]

21 April 2020

Good footwear….the key to pain free feet.

The right footwear is important to daily life. Footwear is often a big contributing factor to foot problems. In some cases, changing your footwear is the only treatment you will need for pain free feet. A good shoe is not the same thing as an expensive shoe. Features of a good shoe Good fastening A […]

1 April 2020

Looking after your feet and preventing dry skin.

Skin is the largest organ in the body and offers a protective barrier against the outside environment. When intact, it is a waterproof, smooth, flexible and protective layer. However, dry skin can become cracked. This compromises the protective barrier and can leave you open to infection. Dry skin can create micro splits and fissures allowing […]

5 February 2020

Chilblains- What are they and how to prevent them?

What are they? Chilblains are small, itchy, red areas of skin.  They can come as a result of an abnormal reaction to the cold. They usually affect the hands and feet. The good news is that although they are uncomfortable, they generally clear up within 7-10 days. What causes Chilblains? During cold weather, the tiny blood […]

10 December 2019

Diabetic foot care advise: avoiding complications

For those of you with Diabetes, diabetic foot care is very important if you want to avoid unnecessary complications. Looking after your feet and checking them regularly can significantly reduce your risks of getting foot problems. Tips for every day diabetic footcare: Maintain good foot hygiene – Wash your feet every day and dry carefully […]

8 October 2019

Diabetes: Why are diabetics more prone to foot problems?

Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood glucose (sugar) levels. Over time, high levels of glucose in the blood can have serious health effects. Diabetic foot problems is one of them and can effect the quality of life of a sufferer. How are the feet effected? Neuropathy, or sensory nerve damage: High sugar levels […]