
Category: paediatrics

14 October 2021

Five signs your child may need physiotherapy:

Children are often considered as mini adults when it comes to their health needs. However, the opposite is true... they have a host of rare and complex conditions they can suffer from which are both as individual and unique as they are. Here are just 5 areas of concern a children’s physiotherapist can help with [...]

30 September 2021

Footwear Advice for Children

When looking for supportive footwear for children there are a few points to consider: A rigid high heel: This ensures the heel is supported from all directions. You should not be able to push the heel in easily with your fingers. A firm mid foot support: The shoe should not be able to be twisted […]

18 February 2020

Just a little accident? Bedwetting, daytime wetting and soiling in children.

According to the NHS an estimated 900,000, 5-19 year olds suffer from bladder and bowel conditions such as bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling.  That is approximately 1 in 12 children.   So what is the main cause of these problems: Constipation is often the main culprit!! Because the rectum can stretch and stretch, it has […]