
Tag: physiotherapy

14 December 2023

Prosecco: The party season and your bladder

Yikes! it’s December already and that means we are well into party season!!  We might be drinking a little more prosecco, champagne and white wine.  On one had that sounds great but for some of us our bladder really doesn’t like the white fizzy drinks or sadly, alcohol in general.  So how can we help manage them over […]

30 September 2021

Footwear Advice for Children

When looking for supportive footwear for children there are a few points to consider: A rigid high heel: This ensures the heel is supported from all directions. You should not be able to push the heel in easily with your fingers. A firm mid foot support: The shoe should not be able to be twisted […]

18 February 2020

Just a little accident? Bedwetting, daytime wetting and soiling in children.

According to the NHS an estimated 900,000, 5-19 year olds suffer from bladder and bowel conditions such as bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and soiling.  That is approximately 1 in 12 children.   So what is the main cause of these problems: Constipation is often the main culprit!! Because the rectum can stretch and stretch, it has […]

22 March 2019

Run Mumma Run

Physiotherapist Lisa Few and Anna Curtis are hosting a workshop for mums wanting to get back into running after giving birth. Attend this event for loads of tips and advice for returning to exercise safely. Find out more @lisafewphysiotherapy Buy tickets at www.bodyresults.co.uk/rmr This event has already taken place, but you can find more information in our […]

22 March 2019

Is back pain taking control of your life?

Many people experience aches and pains in the back and neck on a daily basis. Going to bed with pain and waking up stiff and achy the next morning becomes common place when day to day activity dictates prolonged static postures, such as desk based work, driving jobs and hairdressing or prolonged repetitive activity such […]