
Tag: osteopath

22 May 2024

Striding Towards Well-being: The Benefits of Osteopathy for Runners

If you are reading this, I am guessing you like running are interested in Osteopathy for Runners. Whether you do park runs or Ultramarathons… you ARE an athlete. I am also guessing you want to maintain that journey without injury. My name is Vanessa and I am an Osteopath at BodyFix. In this blog I […]

13 November 2023

Unlocking the benefits of dry needling.

Hey there! I’m Vanessa and as an Osteopath I am always looking at ways which I can help my patients to improve their wellbeing.  That is why I decided to qualify in dry needling.  You maybe new to the concept of dry needling. So here is some information to help you decide whether you would like […]

17 February 2023

What is Osteopathic Lymphatic drainage?

My name is Eleanor and I am an Osteopath at Bodyfix Clinic. I started here in September 2022 and have been doing a number of CPD courses since that time.  As Osteopaths we are required to complete 90 hours of extra training over a 3-year period.  This is called continuing professional development or CPD.  I have a keen […]

8 August 2022

Spotlight on Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia affects 7 times more women than men What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that results in widespread joint and muscle pain with tenderness to touch and joint stiffness. Symptoms can come and go and present in different parts of the body at different times. Fibromyalgia can also cause fatigue, sleep, mood and [...]

28 March 2022

Patient Success Story: Steve Snook

As practitioners we all love to hear a patient success story, especially when recovery is from the steely determination of the patient not to let their condition get the better of them. And Steve Snook is a great example of that! I had the pleasure of meeting Steve Snook in July 2019 after he had […]

31 March 2020

Lockdown: Tips to prevent injury in the home or garden

As we try to manage boredom levels during “COVID lockdown”, many of us will focus our time and effort on improving the home or garden. Clearing out sheds, fixing wind damaged fences, sorting out the loft, painting, decorating and many more manual jobs. These are jobs that might normally be allowed to build up, maybe […]

4 January 2020

How to stay injury free this ski season with Osteopathy

It’s that time of the year when you might be lucky enough to be preparing for your ski holiday.  Now that Christmas is out of the way, your training can start in earnest.  In this blog I will explain how Osteopathy could help you stay injury free and will give you my top 5 exercises for ski […]

25 October 2019

Pillow Talk: Which pillow is right for you?

A question I get asked a lot in clinic, is which pillow do I recommend for a good nights sleep? Well I’m afraid there is no straight answer; in fact it raises many more questions………. Firstly why are you having bad nights sleep? Are you not able to get off to sleep Are you uncomfortable […]

11 June 2019

Psoas: The most important muscle you’ve probably never heard of ….

The psoas or Iliopsoas muscle, to give it its full name, is a muscle that lies deep within the abdomen. It is the major link between the upper thorax and the lower body and becomes chronically overworked, weak and tight through long periods of sitting at work.  This can, in turn cause, amongst other things, lower […]

9 April 2019

Spring = DIY = Injury

As we venture out of hibernation, that list of left over DIY jobs from last year suddenly becomes longer and more urgent, and if you are like most “DIYers”, the tasks you are about to take on will be very different from your normal day to day activity. So it’s important to realise that your […]