
Tag: Shoulder Pain

2 February 2023

Frozen Shoulder-what is it and can Osteopathy help?

What is it? The term Frozen Shoulder was first used in 1934 by Dr Codman.  He stated that ‘the entity is difficult to define, difficult to treat and difficult to explain from the point of view of pathology.  Even in the 86 years since he said that it is still to be fully understood.  Frozen shoulder is […]

18 November 2021

Injuries in Trades People. Can BodyFix help?

For those of you who know me, and for the benefit of those that don’t, we have just moved to a new house in Stoneleigh. Hooray! We exchanged in June 2020 and had our work cut out for us from the start. The previous owner had been in the property from 1968 and (by the […]

1 September 2020

Working From Home (WFH): The New Normal

Hasn’t 2020 been a very strange year for us all! We’ve had to make big changes to our working lives as well as our personal lives. Working from home is now not only the “new normal”; but something many of us may continue to do for the foreseeable future. That long commute into the office […]

28 April 2020

Shoulder mobility- do you have scapula rhythm?

The shoulder is a complex structure.  It is made up of 3 joints that allow us a great deal of movement.  The biggest of these is a ball and socket joint, similar to the hip joint, but with a few differences.  The socket is a lot shallower than the hip, this is to allow for more range […]