
Category: post-natal

4 April 2024

Post-natal Nutrition – Finding Your Balance

Hello, to all you mums out there! Stepping into motherhood is like embarking on the most extraordinary adventure, filled with love, challenges, and quite a few sleepless nights. Amidst adjusting to your new role, it’s super important to keep an eye on your own wellbeing, especially when it comes to post-natal nutrition. Whether you’re breastfeeding […]

29 June 2023

Women’s Health Osteopathy: Tummy Gap after Child Birth

Hi I’m Eleanor and I am a registered Osteopath and Mummy MOT® Practitioner. I often get asked by my female patients whether the separation in their abdominal muscles after child birth is normal. Actually this separation is referred to as a “tummy gap” or medically known as “diastasis recti” and is frequently experienced by women after giving birth. […]

12 March 2021

Tummy gap after pregnancy?

I can feel a gap in my tummy muscles.  What is it? The medical term for tummy gap is “diastasis recti” and is a really common post natal condition.  About two out three post natal mums will have some degree of separation of their stomach muscles.  It is a widening of the two sets of rectus abdominis muscles […]

17 January 2020

Postpartum Running: To run or not to run?

To run or not to run is probably my most frequently asked question when I see my post natal mums. When can I start running?  It is such a hard question to answer because every pregnancy, delivery, body, tissue structure and post natal experience is different. Up until recently I always tended to advise my patients […]