
Sleep Apnoea: The Quiet Sleep Thief You Shouldn’t Ignore

17 April 2024

Sleep Apnoea: The Quiet Sleep Thief You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Sleep Apnea causes daytime tiredness

Sleep apnoea, though often overlooked, is a prevalent sleep disorder affecting both men and women. While it’s widely recognised among men, with an estimated prevalence of 6 to 10%, the numbers for women are often underestimated due to misconceptions that symptoms like snoring are mostly male-centric.

What Exactly is Sleep Apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a condition marked by interruptions in breathing during sleep, usually accompanied by loud snoring and gasping for breath. These interruptions can range from 10 seconds to 3 minutes and can occur multiple times throughout the night.

The Ripple Effect of Sleep Apnoea

Physical Impacts: Sleep apnoea can elevate blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Daytime Challenges: Experiencing excessive daytime fatigue, memory lapses, and slower reaction times are common daytime symptoms that can be mistakenly attributed to ageing.

Age and Its Ties to Sleep Apnoea

Contrary to popular belief, feeling chronically tired isn’t an inevitable part of aging. Sleep apnoea can amplify fatigue and diminish sleep quality as we age. Other age-related factors, such as frequent nighttime trips to the bathroom, can further disrupt sleep patterns.

Spotting the Warning Signs

Many people with sleep apnoea are unaware of their condition, often brushing off symptoms as normal signs of aging or overlooking them entirely. A bed partner’s observation, like noticing pauses in breathing during sleep, can be a key indicator.

Treatment Pathways

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Proven Effectiveness:

CPAP has stood the test of time as a go-to treatment for sleep apnoea, maintaining an open airway using a mask that delivers pressurised air.


Modern versions, like auto-adjusting CPAP machines and scuba regulator-like devices, offer improved comfort and effectiveness.

Mandibular Positioning Devices

  • Custom-Fitted: These devices, similar to a boxer’s mouthguard, help keep the jaw from falling back and blocking the airway.
  • Effectiveness: While they work well for some, proper fitting is essential for optimal results.

Taking the Initiative: Advocacy and Treatment

  • Speak Up: Don’t hesitate to share detailed symptom information with your GP, including observations from your bed partner.

  • Seek Expertise: Respiratory sleep centres can evaluate the severity of your sleep apnoea and suggest tailored treatments.

  • For Drivers: If you suspect sleep apnoea and work as a professional driver, early treatment is crucial to maintain your license and ensure safety on the road.

In Conclusion

Sleep apnoea isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a significant health issue that can affect your quality of life and well-being. Recognising its signs, seeking timely medical guidance, and exploring effective treatments can make a significant difference in managing this condition. Don’t let sleep apnoea slip under the radar; prioritise your sleep health today.

Call the clinic for more information or to book an appointment

Nicole Preskett

Nicole Preskett administrator

I am a registered Osteopath, MSK Sonographer and co-owner of the BodyFix Clinic.

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