Acupuncture and IVF:
Victoria sees many couples going through assisted conception, whether that is IUI, ovulation stimulation such as clomid, or IVF, and truly believes acupuncture to be of great assistance at this stressful time. Over the years in practice, she has found the following management strategy to be most effective during an IVF cycle.
Before a cycle starts: Recommended regular sessions to help prepare the body and mind, help correct any underlying imbalances, and optimise the uterine environment. Ideally sessions should commence 1 to 3 months before the IVF cycle starts.
During the down regulation phase (if on a long cycle): acupuncture is used to help address any side effects from the medication such as hot flushes, headaches, constipation and emotional changes. We also support a thorough discharge of the endometrial lining during the period in this phase. Weekly treatments are recommended.
During the stimulation phase: drugs are supplied by the clinic to grow as many follicles as possible. Acupuncture supports the egg growth, helps thicken the endometrial lining, supports emotional changes, and addresses side effects of the drugs such as bloating. Usually 2 to 3 sessions are advised during this phase.
After egg collection: acupuncture is very useful between egg collection and the embryo transfer at supporting the body to heal and optimising the uterine environment before the egg transfer. If there is a likelihood of over stimulation, such as with PCO’S, acupuncture can help at this time with mild to moderate symptoms.
Embryo transfer: acupuncture at this time has been shown to increase the likelihood of a positive pregnancy test. Treatment focuses on increasing blood flow in the uterus, reducing uterine contractions and help deal with any anxiety and stress.
The two week wait: this can be an anxious time. Gentle treatment at this time may influence implantation and relieve stress and anxiety.