18 August 2023
Plantar Plate Tears
Are you experiencing chronic pain in the ball of your foot? It could be a plantar plate tear.
There can be several causes of pain in this area, aka Metatarsalgia. One of them can be a tear or rupture to the plantar plate. This can cause symptoms of pain and discomfort, especially when walking barefooted.
The plantar plate is a tough ligamentous structure attaching from the base of the toe to the metatarsal head. It’s function is to cushion this area during walking and to hold the toes in place.
If this area is overloaded, it can tear. This can happen gradually or suddenly and usually affects the second toe.
Pain is felt on the top of the foot and under the ball of the foot. It feels as if you are ‘walking on the bone’.
There can be some swelling and some redness
Most obviously, the second and third toes become displaced and a gap forms between the toes.
Asking questions about the history of the injury and examination can be useful in diagnosing plantar plate tears. It has been mentioned that those with longer second digits van be more at risk.
MRI scans can be used to confirm the tear. We also need also to rule out other causes of Metatarsalgia eg Morton’s neuroma, stress fracture.
Rest (reduce all foot intense sports and toe flexion activities),
Ice (15 mins every 3-4 hours),
Compression socks,
Cushioning the ball of the foot with good supportive footwear and rubber soles, wearing rocker soled shoes and avoiding walking barefooted or in high heels. Speaking to your local podiatrist ( Sue at Bodyfix clinic) so that they can tape your toe. Surgery may be required for a complete rupture.
If you have a foot complaint or a question about foot health, you can book through reception on 0208-394-0393 or book with Sue here
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